Change the Color of hr Tag using CSS


2020 | Identity · Typeface · Experimental Film

Humans value status as intelligent agents and believe this is an important condition dignifying a person from a nonperson. If we value these capacities in ourselves as intelligent agents, then we should value them in the non-player characters and treat them with similar moral standing while AI gives NPCs self-consciousness and emotion.

Based on a branding design, this project discusses whether the behaviour of abusing and tormenting non-player characters in SIM games (simulation games) rebelling some moral principles or not.

A set of typeface is designed and is used in the annotations in the branding, product package design and subtitles in the instruction video.
Abuse Kit
The brand aims to launch an abuse kit allowing target audiences to experience the process of abusing.

︎︎︎ visual design ︎︎︎ illustrtaion ︎︎︎ art direction ︎︎︎ animation ︎︎︎ photography ︎︎︎ visual design ︎︎︎ illustrtaion ︎︎︎ art direction ︎︎︎ animation ︎︎︎ photography ︎︎︎ visual design ︎︎︎ illustrtaion ︎︎︎ art direction ︎︎︎ animation ︎︎︎ photography ︎︎︎ visual design ︎︎︎ illustrtaion ︎︎︎ art direction ︎︎︎ animation ︎︎︎ photography